Import-Asset Master List

From eStream Software

Quick Import Asset List

Menu: File | Import | Excel Files...

1. Download the Asset Master Template
2. Click Open folder button.
Asset Master-Import 01.jpg

3. Select the Asset Template excel file...

4. Click Execute (Direct Import). Click Verify if you wish to verify the excel data before import.
Asset Master-Import 02.jpg

Asset import function available in SQL Account version 5.2022.948.826 and above.

Preparation-Asset Master Import Excel Template

Download the Asset Master Template

Asset Master Template (xlsx)
Sheet Name Refer to
FA.GROUP.OPF Maintain Asset Group
FA.ITEM.OPF Maintain Asset Item
FA.ITEM.OPF.DeprSche Maintain Asset Item - Depreciation Schedule tab
FA.ITEM.OPF.Project Maintain Asset Item - Project tab
DO NOT rename the sheet name.

1. FA.GROUP.OPF (Maintain Asset Group)

Column Length Note
Code 20 Asset Group Code, eg. Furniture)
Description 160 Asset Group Description, eg. Furniture & Fittings
DeprMethod 1 (Integer) Depreciation Method, eg. 1 : Straight Line Method
AssetAcc 10 Eg. Furniture & Fittings under Non-Current Assets (B/S)
AccumDeprAcc 10 Eg. Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture & Fittings under Non-Current Assets (B/S)
DeprAcc 10 Eg. Depreciation account under Expenses (P&L)
DisposalGainAcc 10 Eg. Disposal Gain account under Other Income / Expenses (P&L)
DisposalLossAcc 10 Eg. Disposal Loss account under Expenses (P&L)
Example :
Code Description DeprMethod AssetAcc AccumDeprAcc DeprAcc DisposalGainAcc DisposalLossAcc
Furniture Furniture & Fittings 1 200-200 200-205 923-000 530-999 980-999
MV Motor Vehicle 1 200-400 200-405 923-000 530-999 980-999

2. FA.ITEM.OPF (Maintain Asset Item)

Column Length Note
Code 20 Asset Code, eg. FF-0001
Description 160 Asset Description, eg. Chairs, Table
Asset Group 20 Asset Group, eg. Furniture
Agent 10 Assigned an agent if any
Area 10 Assigne an area if any
AcquireDate Date Purchase date
Cost Currency Purchase cost
UsefulLife Float Useful life in year, eg. 5 years, 3.3 years
DeprFrequency 1 (Integer) 1 : Monthly

, 2 : Quarterly
, 3 : Half Yearly
, 4 : Yearly

Residual Float Example

See also