Customer Pricing Inquiry

From eStream Software

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To inquire the item pricing for a customer.
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Customer Pricing Inquiry

Customer Price Inquiry

1. To select the item code to inquire the price.
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1. To select the customer to inquire the price.
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Profit Estimator

You can enter the values (eg. quantity, UOM, Price Tag, unit price, discount, sales tax (GST) and ref.cost) to calculate the profit according to the cost of the item selected.
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Price Book Reference

To check the reference price in different UOM from Maintain Stock Item.
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Your SQL Sales Assistant

Quick access to:-
a. Price History Inquiry - Sales | Print Sales Price History...
b. Stock Status/Back Order - Sales | Print Outstanding Sales Document Listing...(Outstanding Sales Order)
c. Cost of Stock in Hand - Stock | Print Stock Month End Balance...
d. Customer Aging Details - Customer | Print Customer Aging Report...
e. Sales & Collection Analysis - Customer | Print Customer Sales & Collection Analysis...
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See also