Backup Database

From eStream Software

Menu: File | Backup Database...


This function is to backup all the data to the selected target removable media such as tape or CD.
It is advisable to do a daily backup using "Generational Backup Scheme" method and keep it in different place (i.e. bring it home instead keep in office).

Generational Backup Scheme

A generational backup is one of the simplest, most effective methods for making and keeping backup copies of your data. Properly done, it combines ease of use and data protection.

The most common generational backup scheme is the three-generation or "Grandfather-Father-Son" method. In its most basic form it involves making a complete copy of the data to be backed up on removable media such as tape or CD.

Below is how it works

  1. CDRW 1 - For Monday & Thursday Backup
  2. CDRW 2 - For Tuesday & Friday Backup
  3. CDRW 3 - For Wednesday & Saturday Backup


01. Make sure No User is accessing the database.
02. Login the database which wanted to backup.
03. Click File | Backup Database...

From Left to Right

Function Description
Check Box
  • Checked : Backup to this Path/Location
  • UnChecked : Don't backup
Empty Field Backup Path
3 Dot Button Option to Select the Backup Path/Location
remove Remove/Delete the current Backup Path/Location
Add another location Add more Backup Path/Location
Ok Button Click to Begin Backup
Cancel Button Click to Exit Backup Action
Remove Temp Table button Click to Remove Temporary Table
Compress backup file
  • Checked : Add to Zip file after done backup
  • UnChecked : Don't add to Zip file after done backup
Maximize compression ratio
  • Checked : Use High Compression on Zip (WARNING : Take more time on Zip Action)
  • UnChecked : Use Normal Compression Zip
04. Click the 3 dot button to select the location.
05. Select the Location to backup to (eg Desktop, CDRW, Removal Disk)
06. Click OK to begin.
07. Once finish backup you will see something like this below.
08. Click Close to exit backup.