Assignment 1 (SQL CC - Basic)

From eStream Software

Update Info

Last Script Update : 09 Nov 2015
Level : Basic

Assignment : To Create the Unit Price Calculation

  • Create the DIY field such as UDF_mUnitPrice in Sales documents (eg. sales invoice)
  • Purpose: User will key-in the base unit price to convert into new unit price based on the UOM rate in Maintain Stock Item.
01 A1-Sales Invoice Entry-UDF mUnitPrice.jpg

  • Calculation for Unit Price := UDF_mUnitPrice x Rate


Insert DIY Field

01. Click Tools | DIY | SQL Control Center...
02. At the left panel look for Sales Invoice.
03. Point to Items Fields.
04. On the right panel, insert the DIY field as per the TABLE below.
Name Data Type Size SubSize Caption Required Default Value Display Format
mUnitPrice Float 10 2 UDF_mUnitPrice FALSE (Untick) BLANK #,0.00;-#,0.00
02 A1-SL - ItemFields.jpg
05. Click Save.
06. Update operation successful message. Click OK.
07. DONE

Insert DIY Script

01. Click Tools | DIY | SQL Control Center...
02. At the left panel look for Sales Invoice .
03. Right Click the Sales Invoice.
04. Select New Event.
05. Enter any name (eg Calc) in the Name field (Only Alphanumeric & no spacing).
06. Select OnGridColumnValueChanged for Event field.
07. Click OK.
08. Click the Calc (name create at Step 5 above) on the left panel.
02 A1-SL - OnGridColValChg-Calc.jpg
09. Copy below script & paste to the Right Panel (Script Section).
    if SameText(EditingField, 'ItemCode')or
       SameText(EditingField, 'UDF_mUnitPrice') then begin
            DataSet.FindField('UnitPrice').AsFloat :=
            DataSet.FindField('Rate').AsFloat * DataSet.FindField('UDF_mUnitPrice').AsFloat;

10. Click Save button.
  • Avoid update the same existing field name Unit Price. You have to create different name ie. UDF_mUnitPrice.

Result Test

01. Go to Stock | Maintain Stock Item...
02. Edit the item code ANT.
03. Insert additional UOM with different RATE, eg. 1 CARTON = 12 UNITS and 1 BOX = 60 UNITS.
03 A1-ST-MaintainStk Item.jpg

04. Create new sales invoice from Sales | Invoice...
05. Call out the columns name UDF_mUnitPrice and Rate.
03 A1-Sales Invoice Entry.jpg

06. Insert and select the item code ANT.
07. Select the UOM to CARTON. Rate will be changed to 12.
08. Input the value into UDF_mUnitPrice. U/Price will be calculated from your DIY script formula (UDF_mUnitPrice x Rate).
03 A1-Sales Invoice -Detail.jpg