SQL Accounting Linking

From eStream Software


We had 3 Methods to Integrate/Link to SQL Accounting

SQL Accounting GST Program


Sample DB

Empty DB

  1. At the Login Screen Click 2 dot Button
  2. Click Create New Database
  3. Follow the wizard
Default UserName & Password is ADMIN
To override the TaxAmt when posting :-
Click Tools | Options... | Customer  & 
Untick the option "One Cent Different Rounding (Local Currency Fields) 
for all AR/SL Documents (Recommended)"

Things To Consider Before Import/Post

Before wanted to Import/Post to SQL Accounting Database, below information must be had/valid in SQL Accounting

  1. Customer Code => Maintain Customer
  2. Supplier Code => Maintain Supplier
  3. Terms Code => Maintain Terms
  4. Project Code => Maintain Project
  5. Sales/Purchase Account Code => Maintain Account
  6. Sales/Purchase Return Account Code => Maintain Account
  7. Cash/Bank Account Code => Maintain Payment Method (Created from Maintain Account)
  8. Agent Code => Maintain Agent
  9. Area Code => Maintain Area
  10. Currency Code => Maintain Currency

Below is Option (i.e. if had post/import item code to SQL Accounting)

  1. Item Code => Maintain Stock Item
  2. Location Code => Maintain Location
  3. Batch Code => Maintain Batch

Table/Fields Detail

Normal Used Table Name

  • SL_IV - Sales Invoice
  • SL_CS - Cash Sales
  • SL_CN/AR_CN - Credit Note
  • SL_DN - Debit Note
  • AR_PM - Payment

Extra Notes

  • Gov. 5 cents Rounding - no Tax
  • Doc Disc should proportion by sub total amt for mix tax code (See Cash Sales POS4)
 - Doc Discount = 30
 - Sub Total for SR = 849.53 => Disc ((849.53/1,182.51) * 30) = 21.55
 - Sub Total for ZR = 332.98 => Disc ((332.98/1,182.51) * 30) = 8.45