UBS Payroll

From eStream Software
Revision as of 02:58, 15 January 2016 by Twfaung (talk | contribs)

File | Import Data | UBS Payroll


This function is to import the Data From the UBS Payroll.

Type Information/Data Import

  1. Maintain Branch (branch.dbf)
  2. Maintain Category (category.dbf)
  3. Maintain Department (dept.dbf)
  4. Maintain Project (project.dbf)
  5. Maintain Race (race.dbf)
  6. Maintain Allowance (awtable.dbf)
  7. Maintain Deduction (dedtable.dbf)
  8. Maintain Employee (pmast.dbf)


  1. UBS Payroll Version 9 and above
  2. UBS Payroll Data (after restore)
  3. SQL Payroll Application
  4. Empty Database of SQL Payroll


  1. Login the Empty Database of SQL Payroll
  2. Click File | Import Data | UBS Payroll
3. Select the UBS Payroll Directory Folder & Click Ok to Start Import
4. Click Close to Finish import.