SQL Acc XLS n MDB Import

From eStream Software
Revision as of 04:28, 11 February 2019 by Twfaung (talk | contribs) (→‎Auto Import)


Is an External Shareware Program which able to import below data to SQL Accounting using Excel or Access File.

  • Master file (eg. Debtors, Creditors & Item List)
  • Transactions
  • Nestle Transactions
  • Yeos Transactions
  • Coca-Cola Transactions
  • GSK Transactions


  1. Easy to generate
  2. About 80% of modules is covered.
  3. Support GST
  4. FREE import for Master file.


  1. Only can do New/Insert action
  2. Is Batch update.
  3. There is a cost for End User and Dealer for Transaction import. Only Free if each file record less then 100.
  4. Same DocNo for Different Supplier not cover
  5. Credit Note Knock Off for both Customer & Supplier not cover
  6. No transfer status for Sales & Purchase Module
  7. Unable to import Serial Number

Pros (UE Only)

  1. Easy to generate
  2. Able update Stock Information.
  3. Can do New/Insert/Edit/Update action

Cons (UE Only)

  1. There is a cost for End User and Dealer. Only Free if each file record less then 100.
  2. Only Cover Maintain Stock Item.

Todo & Know Bugs

  • UE for All Master file import
  • Enable Get File 2 default to load all (if can)


Example Template

History New/Updates/Changes

--Update 05 Jan 2019

  • Add JE type for Customer/Supplier DN/CN.

--Update 09 Oct 2018--

  • Fix JV, PV & OR Detail Account Not match with sample

--Update 03 Oct 2018--

  • Add Import Maintain Tariff Format

--Update 21 Mar 2018--

  • Incorrect date format in Sample Data
  • ARAP_Payment Data incorrect Value
  • Add Customer/Supplier Import Format

--Update 05 Feb 2018--

  • Add Stock Transfer Import Format
  • Add Stock Receive Import Format

--Update 05 Feb 2018--

  • Add Giro Import Format
  • Add BOM Import Format
  • Update ARAP Payment with Knock off
  • Update Sales & Purchase - Add Tax Inclusive

--Updated 26 Sep 2016--

  • Add Example Data for Maintain Customer/Supplier
  • Add Example Data for Maintain Item
  • Update Maintain Account with Notes
  • Add Example Data for New Journal Vourcher

--Updated 07 Sep 2016--

Template.Tips-01.jpg Tips for Programmer to Export Transaction
01. Use INNER JOIN SQL to join the Master & Detail table 
02. Export to Excel or Access file
Template.Tips-01.jpg Tips for Yeos Transaction Import
User might had to adjust some data in the excel file
01. Remove the 1st row(i.e 1st row must be a title of the column)
02. PRD Qty & Gross AMT column need * -1 (only for Credit Note) or can use
    My Excel for Credit Note/Payment is in Negative Value, can it be import?
Template.Tips-01.jpg Tips for Coca-Cola Transaction Import
User might had to at Coca-Cola system before export 
01. Group the ARTNUM
It might had rounding issue after import 
(i.e. excel not match with Tax Invoice Issue from coca-cola)
Template.Tips-01.jpg Tips for GSK Transaction Import
01. User might had to convert the file to excel file
02. Export File by Document Type (i.e. Invoice 1 file & Credit Note 1 file)

Things to Consider

  • Float, Currency & Integer type Must not had , (comma) or Currency Symbol & Default Value is 0 not empty
  • No Formula in the cell
  • No Merge cell is use
  • Date Format should be in dd/mm/yyyy (entry time in Excel as dd/mm/yyyy) - Updated 14 Nov 2013
  • Below is the column type can/can't import
  • Try just use Alphanumeric for the Worksheet Name

Import Program

  • Version ( - 05 Jan 2019
  • Version ( - 16 Nov 2018 (UE Only)
  • Evaluation Limit : 100 Records per file (Except Master File with not limit)
  • SQLAccXLSnMDBImp-setup.exe
  • MD5 : 067E1584F4A8CD63CD4A1F70D469A34B

History New/Updates/Changes

--Build 31-- Coming soon...

  • Upgrade to Version 4.9.
  • Import BOM Prompt Access Violation if not Location fields in Excel
  • Remove P_DocNo field for Cash Sales/Purchase.
  • Fixed Verify Same DocNo for Diff. supplier shown Duplicate Doc No.
  • Fixed Data Grid not Auto width Columns.
  • If Detail had Status <> ok should abort Post
  • Add Checking for CompanyName2 field for Customer/Supplier Code
  • Add Checking for Description2 & Note field for Item Code.
  • Add Shedule Import for Excel - Stage 1 (Sales & Purchase Only)

--Build 30--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.8.6.
  • Enable Support Import JE type for Customer/Supplier DN/CN.
  • Support Auto Get ItemCode using Remar1, Remark2 or Shelf.
  • Support Auto Get CompanyCode using BizNatural.
  • Enable support Import TaxDate for JV & CB - PV.

--Build 29--

  • Fixed Verify prompt access violation if no ItemCode field map.
  • Fixed all Modified Function not working in SL, PH & ST.
  • Fixed Verify GL OR & PV shown Invalid Company Code.
  • Add New function Remove All Positive Value Data...
  • Add New function Remove All Negative Value Data...

--Build 28--

  • Fixed Verify Itemcode not fully verify.
  • Fixed if Mapped data & Default Value is empty should bypass import.
  • Fixed Verify Company Shown Invalid even is Valid Company Code.

--Build 27--

  • Fixed Source Grid had Extra unknown Field.
  • Add Remove Comma function.
  • Fixed Access Violation on Import AR & AP.
  • Fixed Load Setting not match with Save due to #10 & #13 character.

--Build 26--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.8.
  • Support Auto Get ItemCode using BarCode or Customer/Supplier ItemCode.

--Build 25--

  • Fix JV, PV & OR Detail Account Not Verify
  • Fixed Not AutoSave Setting.
  • Add Copy Cell Value Function for Data Grid.
  • Fix Import with Tariff not follow user data

--Build 24--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.7.5.
  • Enable Import Maintain Tariff.
  • Default Value for 2nd UOM for Maintain Item should set to 0.
  • Verify should bypass checking detail for opening balance else unable to import due to invalid Code.
  • Fixed Get File 3...Error on 2nd time Click.

--Build 23--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.7.
  • Fixed Memo Cell for Attachment, Note & Description3 is partly loaded.
  • Fixed KOAmt & DocType field no DefaultValue.
  • Enable Import CSV/TXT(semi Comma) file.
  • Fixed Access Violation on Get File 2 in some Situation where Excel had Empty Columns.

--Build 22--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.6.4.
  • Fix Get File 2 for Maintain Customer, Supplier & Stock Item unable to Click New button.
  • Fix Supplier Payment Knock Off Detail not verify.
  • Fix Customer & Supplier Payment No Default Description.
  • Fix Verify Customer & Supplier Payment error if no Knock off information in excel.
  • Fix Verify Customer & Supplier Payment PaymentMethod not check.
  • Fix Error when Post To A/c for Customer & Supplier Payment error if no Knock off information in excel.
  • Fix unable to load all data once verify button is click.
  • Fix error Import BOM if Batch & BOMPackage is empty.
  • Enable Customer/Supplier Refund Import.

--Build 21--

  • Fix Default Value for NonRefundable should be 0 not F
  • Fix Prompt Access Violation for Get File 2 for Maintain Customer & Supplier.

--Build 20--

  • Fix Detail Project field missing.
  • Add Auto Get Data if only 1 worksheet/table.
  • Fix Access Violation for Get File 3 when no select any excel.

--Build 19--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.6.
  • Support Auto Get CompanyCode using Remark.
  • Add Truncate String... Function.
  • Fixed Verify no check Batch field.
  • Improve Performance on Get File 2.
  • Add Get File 3 function (Data Entry Only) to enable import 2 (Header & Detail) Excel.

--Build 18--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.5.3.
  • Fixed Scrollbar not shown.
  • Enable Customer & Supplier Payment with Knock Off.
  • Enable Import Stock Item BOM.
  • Enable Import Supplier GIRO Infomation.
  • Fixed Check Duplicate Records...unable to Get File 2.
  • Enable Get File 2 function for Split Memo To Columns.
  • Add Get File 2 function to enable Open Excel file for pc without excel file install - Final Part.
  • Enable Get File 2 function for Convert Row To Columns.
  • Fixed Unable to Import no GST transactions for Locked GST Period.
  • Fixed Get File 2 unable to get Date value correctly.
  • Fixed Get File 2 still append row even is empty if Actual row data < To Records.
  • Fixed Get File 2 not correctly append if there empty cell in 1st column.
  • Add Convert YYYYMMDD to DD/MM/YYYY function.
  • Fixed Verify prompt Access Violation if Mapped ItemCode without Map UOM with Default Value <> empty.

--Build 17--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.5.
  • Remove support Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 as Microsoft Windows Security update KB4041681 is no more support.
  • Add Get File 2 function to enable Open Excel file for pc without excel file install - Part 1.
  • Fixed Remark1 & Remark2 empty if just mapping CompanyItemCode field.

--Build 16--

  • Fixed AR & AP Payment not remove not relevent fields.
  • Fixed AR & AP Payment not auto set Default Value.
  • Support Auto Get CompanyCode using ROC or GST No.
  • Support Auto Get Set Tax Code when mapping & Default Value fields is not set.
  • Fixed Access Violation when import Maintain Batch without mapping ItemCode.
  • Add Verify Option for AR & AP Payment.
  • Add Verify Option for Master Data.

--Build 15--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.4.
  • Add Convert Rows to Columns... Option.
  • Show Result next to selected Column for Split Memo to Columns... Option
  • Fixed Verify Itemcode not checking UOM.
  • Enable Import Stock Received, Stock Issue, Stock Adjustment & Stock Transfer.
  • Enable Import Maintain Item Template.
  • Add Verify Location.

--Build 14--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.3.2.
  • Add *-1 All Data function.
  • Add TaxDate field for AP, PH, AR_CN & SL_CN.
  • Add Check Duplicate Records... Option.
  • Add Split Memo to Columns... Option.

--Build 13--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.3.
  • Upgrade to XE25.
  • Fix some Default Value is not Assign if there is mapping field.
  • Fixed Mixed Excel datatype.
  • Remove Default Tax Code.
  • Add Auto Remove Empty Space before append the data.
  • Add Grid Export to Excel for DocNo List Grid.
  • Set Excel As Default File type.
  • Fixed TaxInclusive not working.
  • Add AutoMapping Field for Same FieldName with Target FieldName.

--Build 12--

  • Fixed Maintain Batch Prompt 100 records
  • Fixed Maintain Batch Progress bar always 0%
  • Fixed Maintain Batch Posting record still limit even untick option.
  • Fixed some can't read xlsx.
  • Fix some Default Value is not Assign if there is mapping field.

--Build 11--

  • Fixed Missing DeliveryDate Field
  • Fixed Import Amount Double if no Mapping for Amount
  • Fixed Get Data 2nd time no records shown.

--Build 10--

  • Fixed unable to Import GL OR
  • Enable Auto Calc TaxAmt.
  • Fix Maintain Acc can't import Tax, CashFlowType & MSIC.
  • Enable Import GL_JE.

--Build 9--

  • Fixed GL PV & OR some fields no Default Value.
  • Fixed GL_PV & OR Verify Error.
  • Force Must Mapping DocDate field.

--Build 8--

  • Fixed unable to Import AR/AP Opening Balance.
  • Fixed unable to unmap Fields.
  • Remove Auto Remove Source Field after Mapped.

--Build 7--

  • Fixed unable to register Database.
  • Fixed Customer/Supplier record splitter missing.

--Build 6--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.2.
  • Upgrade to XE10.
  • Remove Maintain Tax Import
  • Enable Import AR, AP, SL & PH Transactions
  • Enable Import GL_OR & GL_PV Transactions

--Build 5--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.
  • Upgrade to XE7.
  • Add Split Record - To cater large Record Data File.
  • Remove readonly="true" SUBTYPE="Autoinc" before append Data.
  • Add Default Value for Stock Item CostingMethod field.

History New/Updates/Changes (UE Only)

--Build 12--

  • Fixed Load Setting not match with Save due to #10 & #13 character.

--Build 11--

  • Fixed Not AutoSave Setting.
  • Enable Get File 2 Function.
  • Add Copy Cell Value Function for Data Grid.

--Build 10--

  • Add AutoMapping Field for Same FieldName with Target FieldName

--Build 9--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.2.
  • Upgrade to XE25.
  • Fix some Default Value is not Assign if there is mapping field.
  • Fixed Mixed Excel datatype.
  • Add Auto Remove Empty Space before append the data.
  • Set Excel As Default File type.
  • Add AutoMapping Field for Same FieldName with Target FieldName.

--Build 8--

  • Remove Invalid components.

--Build 7--

  • Fixed “Bad variable type” error.
  • Fixed some field no default value.

--Build 6--

  • Upgrade to Version 4.
  • Upgrade to XE7.
  • Add Split Record - To cater large Record Data File.
  • Remove readonly="true" SUBTYPE="Autoinc" before append Data.
  • Add Default Value for Stock Item CostingMethod field.
  • Add New filter function for data.


Master Data

Below is example for import Stock Item...

01. Click 1. Get File button
02. Select the File type (eg Microsoft Excel)
03. Select the File file wanted to import
04. Click Open
05. Click the combo box (Circle in Red) to select the Worksheet/Table in the file
06. Click 2. Get Data button to load the file.
07. Drag the available column at the SourceField & drop to the TargetField.
08. For Detail Part (Circle in Green) (Eg Click on the UOM tab).
09. Click New button.
10. Drag the available column at the SourceField & drop to the TargetField at detail part.
11. Click Save after Done (only for Detail Part).
12. Click Post To A/c button if all done mapping.

Blue Circle - Is use to let system know Start from which row till End which row to import.
Orange Circle - The Worksheet/Table records.


Transactions Data

Below is example for import Customer Invoice...

01. Click 1. Get File button
02. Select the File type (eg Microsoft Excel)
03. Select the File file wanted to import
04. Click Open
05. Click the combo box (Icon 5) to select the Worksheet/Table in the file
06. Click 2. Get Data button to load the file.
07. Tick the Is Opening Transactions to import opening balance (Available for AR & AP Module Only).
08. Drag the available column at the SourceField & drop to the TargetField.
09. Click 3. Verify button.
10. Click 4. Post To A/c button if confirm all data is Ok.
Do you realise there is an arrow near the Verify button?
In the arrow there is an Option A.Load Setting..., this to load previously mapped fields

Transactions Data - Get File 3

  • This Option only for Excel
  • Only available in Version & above
01. Click arrow at the 1. Get File button
02. Select Get File 3... & system will prompt 2 dialog like below
03. Select the Excel Header File.
04. Select the Excel Detail File.
05. Click the combo box to select the Worksheet/Table for each Header & Detail file
06. Click the combo box to select the Key Field to link both Header & Detail file
07. Click 4. Get Data button
08. Enter the Merge File name.
09. Click Save button.


  • Only available in Version & above

Check Duplicate Records

Menu: Tools | Check Duplicate Records...

This Function is to check the duplicate records for the selected file
01. Follow from Step 1 to 6 as above.
07. Tick the Column(s) to Group
08. Click 3. Verify... button

Split Memo to Columns

Menu: Tools | Split Memo to Columns...

This option is to Split the memo (Data more then 1 row in the cell) into individual Columns.
01. Follow from Step 1 to 6 as above.
07. Set Number of Column(s) to split (Default is 4).
08. Select the Column to be Split
09. Click 5. Split button.
10. Scroll to the right. Highlight in Yellow is the newly Columns Created.
11. Click 6. Export Excel(*.xls) to export out the Result.

Convert Rows to Columns

Menu: Tools | Convert Rows to Columns...

  • Only available in Version & above
01. Follow from Step 1 to 6 as above.
07. Set Number of Column(s) to split (Default is 4).
08. Select the Column to be Convert
09. Click 5. Convert button.
10. Scroll to the right. Highlight in Yellow is the newly Columns Created.
11. Click 6. Export Excel(*.xls) to export out the Result.

Template.Tips-01.jpg System will use
  • The 1st column in excel as a Key of Grouping.
  • The empty row as "Reset/End of" Record.

Auto Import

  • Only available in Version & above.
  • Only available for Registered import Database only.
  • Excel Filename must be BIZOBJECT.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xlsx eg SL_IV.20190214101508.xlsx
  • Must only 1 Sheet in Excel File.
  • Must Manually Import for 1st time use to make sure is success mapping. - Auto Import base on last mapping import

Import Setting

Menu: File | Auto Import Settings...

01. Select SQL Accounting DCF file
02. Select SQL Accounting Database to import & export
03. Enter the SQL Accounting User Name & Password
04. Click Next
05. Select the Biz Object Type/Document Type to Import
06. Click Next
07. Select the Pending folder where Excel files keep to import to SQL Accounting
08. Select the Done folder to move after done import the Excel file
Field Description
Last Import Date Last Import Date and Time. System will auto update
Keep Last Log Line To shown last how many line for Log

Windows Schedule

01. Open Windows Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Task Scheduler
02. Click Action | Create Basic Task...
03. Enter Task Name (eg SQL Excel Export) & Click Next
04. Select Daily & Click Next
05. Set the Start Date & Time to Start
06. Set 1 for Recur every field & Click Next
07. Select Start a program & Click Next

Mini Data Modification Utilities

This utilities is to help user to modify the data before begin import
01. Follow from Step 1 to 4 as above
05. Select the column to be Modify & Right Click
06. Select the Option you wanted to modify
Option/Function Description
*-1 All Data... Change the Value from Negative to Positive Value & vise versa
Convert YYYYMMDD to DD/MM/YYYY... Change the Value Date format from YYYYMMDD to DD/MM/YYYY
Truncate String... Reduce the Value field size to specific field size
Copy Cell Value... Copy the Selected row Cell Value
Remove Comma... Remove the ,
Remove All Positive Value Data... Delete all Value which is More then 0
Remove All Negative Value Data... Delete all Value which is Less then 0



Why the system take so long to Get Data from excel where in excel just few records?

This happen when there is the problem in Excel Worksheet.
Try below steps
1. Press CTRL + Home
2. Press CTRL + A (To Select All)
3. Press CTRL + C (To Copy Selected)
4. Press Shift + F11 (To inserts a New Worksheet into the active Workbook)
5. Press CTRL + V (To Paste)
6. Save the Excel & Try again on New Worksheet

Prompt Error external table is not in the expected format when try Get Data from Excel.

Try save the file to other name using File | Save As in Excel

My excel date format is in YYYYMMDD format, how I convert it to dd/MM/yyyy?

Can try use this formula =DATE(LEFT(A2,4),MID(A2,5,2),RIGHT(A2,2))
* In Version & above had function call Convert YYYYMMDD to DD/MM/YYYY... can help to convert it before import.
01. Follow from Step 1 to 4 as above
05. Select the column to be convert & Right Click
06. Select Convert YYYYMMDD to DD/MM/YYYY...
07. Continue Step 5 to 6 for other column
08. Done can continue norm Step 5 to 12

Can I import without Tax Amount (i.e. SQL Account auto Calculate the Tax Amount)?

Yes with Version Build 10 & above, just
Don't Map the fields
- Amount
- TaxAmt
- TaxInclusive
Just Map Fields
- Qty
- UnitPrice
- Tax

Why My Excel data shown as eg 5% but once I Get File become 0.05?

It because Excel will auto convert the 5% to 0.05 in data.
Solution :
Use either one of the excel formula below:
1. =CONCATENATE(E1*100,"%")
2. =TEXT(E1,"0.00%")

How to add file link in the Attachments Fields?

Just Add File.Your Link file
Eg With 2 Attachments file in 1 cell

My Excel for Credit Note/Payment is in Negative Value, can it be import?

No you can't import the document amount with Negative Value.
  • In Version & above had function call *-1 All Data can help to convert to positive before import.
01. Follow from Step 1 to 4 as above
05. Select the column to be convert & Right Click
06. Select *-1 All Data
07. Continue Step 5 to 6 for other column
08. Done can continue norm Step 5 to 12

In My Excel Only had SSM or GST No. for Customer/Supplier can it be import?

Yes using Build 16 & above.
Just map your SSM or GST No to the Code Field.
If your Excel don't had both SSM or GST No. you can Maintain it In Remark Field in Maintain Customer for the Excel Company Code. (Available in Build 19 & above)
Available SQL Accounting Field Available Import Build
SSM/Reg No 16
GST No 16
Remark 19
Biz Natural 30

Can system Auto Set Tax code if my Excel don't had tax code column?

Yes using Version 16 & above
Just make sure Default Value field is Empty

Prompt "Error Unexpected error from external database driver (1)" when Get file from excel

This is due to Windows Security update KB4041681
Solution 1

Can try use Get File 2... under the arrow down button at Get File... button

Solution 2

01. Save the Excel file to xlsx
02. Install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe)
03. Reboot the PC.

Prompt "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed" when Get file from excel

Solution 1

Can try use Get File 2... under the arrow down button at Get File... button

Solution 2

01. Install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe - 32 bits)
02. Reboot the PC.

My excel String size is longer then SQL, how I can reduce it?

Can try use this formula =LEFT(A2,30) (eg for get 1st 30 character from A2)
  • In Version & above had function call Truncate String... can help to reduce it before import.
01. Follow from Step 1 to 4 as above
05. Select the column to be convert & Right Click
06. Select Truncate String...
07. Enter the New size
08. Continue Step 5 to 6 for other column
09. Done can continue norm Step 5 to 12

My excel Don't had account code if got ItemCode can it be import?

Yes just make sure Empty the Default Value for Account field so system can Auto Get from Maintain Stock Group

My excel only had Barcode can it be import?

Yes using Build 26 & above
Just map your Barcode to the ItemCode Field.
You also can Import using Customer/Supplier Item Code in Maintain Stock Item
Available SQL Accounting Field Available Import Build
Barcode 26
Customer/Supplier Item Code 26
Remark 1 30
Remark 2 30
Shelf 30

Why it keep only load lst 100 records even I had registered?

Make sure you set the Value before you Click Get File

See also