DIY Script

From eStream Software
Revision as of 02:19, 19 October 2015 by Twfaung (talk | contribs)

Menu: Tools | DIY | SQL Control Center...


This is Additional Module(DIY Script Module) which allow user to override or customise the SQL System.
The Language use is Pascal

DIY Script

Available Action/Event

Action/Event Description
OnOpen The script trigger On Open the Form (eg On Open the Sales Invoice Form)
OnClose The script trigger On Close/Exit the Form (eg on Exit Sales Invoice Form)
OnBeforeNew The script trigger before the build in New Button action execute.
OnAfterNew The script trigger after the build in New Button action Execute.
OnBeforeEdit The script trigger before the build in Edit Button action execute.
OnAfterEdit The script trigger after the build in Edit Button action Execute.
OnBeforeDelete The script trigger before the build in Delete Button action execute.
OnAfterDelete The script trigger after the build in Delete Button action Execute.
OnBeforeSave The script trigger before the build in Save Button action execute.
OnAfterSave The script trigger after the build in Save Button action Execute.
OnBeforeCancel The script trigger before the build in Cancel Button action execute.
OnAfterCancel The script trigger after the build in Cancel Button action Execute.
OnBeforePrint The script trigger before the build in Print or Preview Button action Execute.
OnGridBeforeInsert The script trigger before the build in + Button action Execute.
OnGridAfterInsert The script trigger after the build in + Button action Execute.
OnGridBeforePost The script trigger before post the current row record.
OnGridAfterPost The script trigger after post the current row record.
OnGridBeforeDelete The script trigger before the build in - Button action Execute.
OnGridAfteDelete The script trigger after the build in - Button action Execute.
OnGridBeforeCancel The script trigger before cancel the current row record.
OnGridAfterCancel The script trigger after cancel the current row record.
OnGridColumnValueChanged The script trigger on changes value in the current record.
Commonly we only OnOpen, OnBeforeSave & OnGridColumnValueChanged Event
Avoid use 2 same Event/Action in 1 Business Object (eg 2 OnOpen in Sales Invoice is NOT allow)

Script Example 1

Below is Example are doing following actions

  • Get UDF_Length & UDF_Width from Maintain Item UDF Fields
  • Do Calculation Qty := UDF_Length * UDF_Width * UDF_Rate

01. Right Click the Sales Invoice
02. Select New Event
03. Enter any name (eg Calc) in the Name field (Only Alphanumeric & no spacing)
04. Select OnGridColumnValueChanged for Event field
05. Click OK
06. Click the Calc (name create at Step 3 above) on the left panel
07. Copy below script & paste to the Right Panel (Script Section)
var FComServer, lBizObj : Variant;
    cdsData : TClientDataSet;

function ComServer: Variant;
  if FComServer = Null then begin
    FComServer := CreateOleObject('SQLAcc.BizApp');
  Result := FComServer;

procedure GetStockInfo;
var lSQL, lCode  : String;
  FComServer := null;
  cdsData    := TClientDataSet.Create(nil); // Create & preparing Component
    lCode := Dataset.FindField('ItemCode').AsString;     
    lSQL  := Format('SELECT UDF_Length, UDF_Width FROM ST_ITEM WHERE Code=%s',[QuotedStr(lCode)]);

    cdsData.Data := ComServer.DBManager.Execute(lSQL);
    lBizObj    := null;
    FComServer := null;

  if SameText(EditingField, 'ItemCode') OR // when selecting or change itemcode field
     SameText(EditingField, 'UDF_Rate') then begin // when change UDF_Rate field
      GetStockInfo; // Get UDF_Length & UDF_Width from Maintain Item

      // Below is Set the Invoice detial UDF Fields from Maintain Item UDF Fields
      DataSet.FindField('UDF_Length').AsFloat := cdsData.FindField('UDF_Length').AsFloat;
      DataSet.FindField('UDF_Width').AsFloat  := cdsData.FindField('UDF_Width').AsFloat;

      // Below is doing calculation for Qty := UDF_Length * UDF_Width * UDF_Rate
      DataSet.FindField('Qty').AsFloat        := DataSet.FindField('UDF_Length').AsFloat *
                                                 DataSet.FindField('UDF_Width').AsFloat *
      cdsData.Free; // Free the Component after used
08. Click Save button
  • Avoid update below field in same time as will cause unlimited looping updating each other
- Qty
- UnitPrice
- TaxAmt
- Amount

Script Example 2

  • More Coming Soon....

See also