Report Builder - Get Data from Available Pipeline

From eStream Software


Sometime in the report you might wanted some extra information or further analysis from the report itself but you not able to select in the report design. So you had to self query to get the extra information or further analysis.

Example 1 - Show GST Summary at Last Page

Below is Example doing following actions

  • Get data information (Tax, Tax rate, LocalAmount, LocalTaxAmt)
  • Group the data by Tax code

Last Script Update : 03 Feb 2016


01. Click on Calc Tab
02. Right click here & Select Module
03. Select Declarations
04. Select Variables
05. Add new/to existing as below variable
   SQL_6: String;

06. Select Events
07. Select OnCreate
08. Copy below script & paste to here
  SQL_6 := 'SELECT DocKey,  Tax, TaxRate, Sum(LocalAmount) LocalAmount, Sum(LocalTaxAmt) localTaxAmt, '+ 
	   'Description  FROM Document_Detail ' +
	   'Where Tax <> ''''' +
	   'GROUP BY Dockey, Tax, TaxRate';

09. Select Event Handlers
10. Select procedure ReportBeforePrint
11. Copy below script & paste to here
   LocalSQL_SELECT(plSQL_6, SQL_6, 'Dockey;Tax'); //Create New pipeline
   SetDataPipelineFieldLink(Main, plSQL_6, 'DocKey', 'DocKey'); //Link with Main

12. Click File | Save As... to save the file (eg 0Sales Cash Sales 3 (GST 1))
13. Click File | Exit to exit the report design
14. Click Design again in the report designer for the file just save on Steps 12 (eg 0Sales Cash Sales 3 (GST 1))
15. Click Subreport icon
16. Click the place you wanted to show/print
17. Right click the Sub report
18. Untick the ParentWitdh & manual adjust the sub report width to the width you wanted
19. Select the Pipeline just create (eg plSQL_6)
20. Scroll till end
21. Click SubReport2:plSQL_6 tab
22. Click Report & set the following setting
  • Title - Select
  • Summary - Select
  • Header - UnSelect
  • Footer - UnSelect
23. Click DBText icon
24. Click the place you wanted to show/print (in between Title & Detail Band)
25. Select LocalAmount field
26. Repeat Step 23 to 25 for LocalTaxAmt field
27. Click DBCalc icon
28. Click the place you wanted to show/print (in between Detail & Summary Band)
29. Select LocalAmount field (See Step 25)
30. Repeat Step 27 to 29 for LocalTaxAmt field
31. Click Variable icon
32. Click the place you wanted to show/print (in between Title & Detail Band)
33. Right Click the variable
34. Copy below script & paste to here
  if Trim(plsql_6.getfieldvalue('TaxRate')) <> '' then
    Value := plsql_6.getfieldvalue('Tax') + ' @ ' + plsql_6.getfieldvalue('TaxRate') else
    Value := plsql_6.getfieldvalue('Tax');
35. Click Ok
36. For label can Click Label icon
37. Save the report after done

Example 2 - Show 1st FromDocNo at Header

Below is Example will get FromDocNo Field from the Detail Data

Last Script Update : 05 Jun 2020


01. Click on Calc Tab
02. Right click here & Select Module
03. Select Declarations
04. Select Variables
05. Add new/to existing as below variable
   SQL_6: String;
06. Select Events
07. Select OnCreate
08. Copy below script & paste to here
  SQL_6 := 'SELECT Dockey, Min(Seq) Seq, FromDocDate, FromDocNo FROM Document_Detail '+ 
	       'WHERE FromDocType <> ''''  ';
09. Select Event Handlers
10. Select procedure ReportBeforePrint
11. Copy below script & paste to here
   LocalSQL_SELECT(plSQL_6, SQL_6, 'Dockey'); //Create New pipeline
   SetDataPipelineFieldLink(Main, plSQL_6, 'DocKey', 'DocKey'); //Link with Main
12. Click File | Save As... to save the file (eg 0Sales Cash Sales 3 (GST 1))
13. Click File | Exit to exit the report design
14. Click Design again in the report designer for the file just save on Steps 12 (eg 0Sales Cash Sales 3 (GST 1))
15. Click DBText icon
16. Click the place you wanted to show/print at the Header
17. Select FromDocNo field
18. For label can Click Label icon
19. Save the report after done

Example 3 - Show Total SVE at Footer

Below Example is to Get total SVE for 6%

Last Script Update : 05 Jun 2020


01. Click on Calc Tab
02. Right click here & Select Module
03. Select Declarations
04. Select Variables
05. Add new/to existing as below variable
   SQL_6: String;
06. Select Events
07. Select OnCreate
08. Copy below script & paste to here
  SQL_6 := 'SELECT DocKey, SUM(LocalAmount)*0.06 SVE FROM Document_Detail ' +
           'WHERE Tax=''SVE'' ' +
           'GROUP BY DocKey';
09. Select Event Handlers
10. Select procedure ReportBeforePrint
11. Copy below script & paste to here
   LocalSQL_SELECT(plSQL_6, SQL_6, 'Dockey'); //Create New pipeline
   SetDataPipelineFieldLink(Main, plSQL_6, 'DocKey', 'DocKey'); //Link with Main
12. Click File | Save As... to save the file (eg Sales Invoice 1-New)
13. Click File | Exit to exit the report design
14. Click Design again in the report designer for the file just save on Steps 12 (eg Sales Invoice 1-New)
15. Click DBText icon
16. Click the place you wanted to show/print at the Header
17. Select plSQL_6 pipeline
18. Select SVE field
19. For label can Click Label icon
20. Save the report after done

See also